The condition of foreigner not always represents a wished circumstance; be enough with saying that classes between the citizenships exist and that, therefore, the passports are not seen of equal way by the migratory authorities. Thus, the obligatory displacement and the migration are against, by their urgent character, to the voluntary trip unfortunately social and economic situations have produced exile that fragment whole generations and therefore cultures, giving rise to dialogues not always lucky between the place extractor and the receiving place.
Behind the exoduses there are always histories of psychological drama and material and spiritual loss that is hardly reparables, for this reason the preparation processes to new life conditions usually are not easy. The foreigner always will be other people's, in spite of his possible adjustment to the new surroundings, and in many cases he will be put under, by his circumstances.
The hunger, the war, the political regimes, the discrimination are some of the causes that generate the forced displacement, and raises bordering and interethnic conflicts, that give rise to the xenophobia. This way, apparently intercultural societies, are not more than parceled out ghettos, within which some groups have preferable conditions to those of others.
This call sets out like a possibility of pronouncing itself freely on the matter of the always effective phenomenon of the forced displacement, through visual pieces in which they express immediate or general circumstances. Visual artists, designers and in general, any sensible person to the subject can participate, with digital works of the following characteristics:
Send your files to
1. Tabloid size ( 11 x 17 inches) in vertical format.
2. Digital supports in file jpg or pdf in RGB to 150 dpi
3. All images will be used in digital or physical exhibition thus the rights will have to be lent, with the guarantee of which they will not be profit object.
4. Offensive messages or aggressions can’t be used.
before march 28th
with your name and country.